Sunday 5 March 2006

Captain Michael Ryan leads the team onto the field. Ref: Cru_Sko 1

Ryan Barton feels the force. Ref: Cru_Sko 2

Luke Young scores a try. Ref:Cru_Sko 3

Dean Fitzgerald was perpetual motion!. Ref: Cru_Sko 4

Damien Quinn on the attack. Ref: Cru_Sko 5.

Dean Scully is tackled. Ref: Cru_Sko 6

Paul Morgan drivesback his opponent. Ref: Cru_Sko 7

Karl Hocking gets to grips with the Skolars. Ref: Cru_Sko 8

Carle Ellis on the attack. Ref: Cru_Sko 9

Man of the match Tony Duggan runs in for a try. Ref: Cru_Sko 10.
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