Celtic Crusaders v Featherstone Rovers

National League 1
Friday 2nd May 2008

Jace leads the team out. Ref: Crusaders_Featherstone 01

Jordan James takes the ball on. Ref: Crusaders_Featherstone 02

Jace van Dijk defends. Ref: Crusaders_Featherstone 03

Gareth Dean lines up his opposite number. Ref: Crusaders_Featherstone 03

Neil Budworth holds on. Ref: Crusaders_Featherstone 05

Darren Mapp stops an attack. Ref: Crusaders_Featherstone 06

Darrn Mapp moves the ball on. Ref: Crusaders_Featherstone 07

Beasley and Quinn defend. Ref: Crusaders_Featherstone 08

Neale Wyatt and Darren Mapp defend. Ref: Crusaders_Featherstone 09

Aaron Summers and Neil Budworth work together. Ref: Crusaders_Featherstone 10

Damien Quinn spots a gap. Ref: Crusaders_Featherstone 11

Mark Dlle Cort takes on the defence. Ref: rusaders_Featherstone 12

Waine Price runs at Mark Dalle Cort. Ref: Crusaders_Featherstone 13

Anthony Blackwood is all smiles after his 2nd try. Ref: Crusaders_Featherstone 14
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