Rochdale Hornets v
Celtic Crusaders Saturday 1st April 2006 |
Cru' captain Michael Ryan gets stuck in. Ref: Hor_Cru 1 |
Quinn (right) and Barton get their man. Ref: Hor_Cru 2 |
Jace van Dijk defends. Ref: Hor_Cru 3 |
Lenny Woodard looks for a gap. Ref: Hor_Cru 4 |
David Simm is tackled. Ref: Hor_Cru 5 |
Carle Ellis goes in low to tackle. Ref: Hor_Cru 6 |
Phil Cushion looks to gain territory. Ref: Hor_Cru 7 |
Geraint Davies and Dean Fitzgerald in the thick of it. Ref: Hor_Cru 8 |
LLoyd O'Connor is held. Ref: Hor_Cru 9 |
Dean Fitzgerald holds off his tackler. Ref: Hor_Cru 10 |
Tony Duggan scores a try. Ref: Hor_Cru 11 |
Luke Young moves in to tackle. Ref: Hor_Cru12 |
Geraint Davies and David Simm. Ref: Hor_Cru 13 |
Dean Scully holds on. Ref: Hor_Cru 14 |
Carl de Chenu powers through. Ref: Hor_Cru 15 |
The Crusaders support clap off the team. Ref: Hor_Cru 16 |
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