South Wales Scorpions v Gateshead Thunder Championship 1 Sunday 27 March 2011 |
Steve Parry is wrestled to the ground. Scorpions_Gateshead 01 |
Lee Williams tackles Connor Condron. Scorpions_Gateshead 02 |
Casey Bromilow clears. Scorpions_Gateshead 03 |
Lee Williams leaps high. Scorpions_Gateshead 04 |
Lewis Reece makes a break....Scorpions_Gateshead 05 |
....and crosses for a try. Scorpions_Gateshead 06 |
Chris Davies takes on Tom Hodgson. Scorpions_Gateshead 07 |
Ashley Bateman holds onto Wayne Green. Scorpions_Gateshead 08 |
Curtis Cunningham turns on the afterburners. Scorpions_Gateshead 09 |
Andy Gay goes past Wayne Green Scorpions_Gateshead 10 |
Loz Wildbore sends out a pass. Scorpions_Gateshead 11 |
Ash Bateman is held up. Scorpions_Gateshead 12 |
Hywel Davies is stopped by Chris Parker. Scorpions_Gateshead 13 |
Christiaan Roets finds space. Scorpions_Gateshead 14 |
Harri Greville runs through...Scorpions_Gateshead 15 |
....and scores a try. Scorpions_Gateshead 16 |
Semisi Cocker is stopped. Scorpions_Gateshead 17 |
Andy Gay bursts through. Scorpions_Gateshead 18 |
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