South Wales Scorpions v Oldham
Roughyeds Championship 1 Sunday 11 April 2010 |
Christiaan Roets defends. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 01 |
Joe Burke is stopped. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 02 |
Loz Wildbore bursts through. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 03 |
Andrew Gay moves into tackle. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 04 |
David James claims a high ball. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 05 |
Lee Williams spots a gap. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 06 |
Lewis Mills holds on. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 07 |
Neil Dallimore is stopped. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 08 |
Jamie Murphy attacks. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 09 |
Aled James breaks through. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 10 |
Steve Parry tracks St Hilaire. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 11 |
Neil Dallimore feels the force. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 12 |
Andrew Gay swings out a pass. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 13 |
Jamie Murphy makes a break. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 14 |
Christiaan Roets breaks a tackle. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 15 |
Lloyd White on theburst. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 16 |
Lewis Mills is held. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 17 |
Andrew gay chases a loose ball. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 18 |
Sam Studley made hs debut. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 19 |
Ashley Bateman runs the ball back. Ref: Scorpions_Oldham 20 |
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