South Wales Scorpions v Rochdale Hornets Championship 1 Sunday 20 June 2010 |
Liam roach finds some space. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 01 |
Loz Wildbore moves the ball on. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 02 |
Lewis Reece made his debut. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 03 |
Messrs James and Gay defend. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 04 |
Neil Dallimore holds on. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 05 |
Barrie Phillips hits a gap. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 06 |
Aled James is checked by the Doc. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 07 |
Loz puts a penalty goal over. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 08 |
Liam roach is stopped. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 09 |
Davies and Greville defend. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 10 |
Ashley Bateman runs the ball back. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 11 |
Joe Burke tracks a runner. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 12 |
Andy Gay runs through for try. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 13 |
The smiles didnt last long as the try is marked off. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 14 |
Steve Parry burts through for a try. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 15 |
Neil Dallimore is blocked. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 16 |
Lewis Mills runs through for a try. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 17 |
Lewis is congratulated by his team mates. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 18 |
Christiaan Roets makes a break. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 19 |
Scorpions defend. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 20 |
Curtis Cunningham is held. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 21 |
Scorpions are happy to hear the final whistle. Ref: Scorpions_Hornets 22 |
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